Thursday, 31 March 2011

Thermarest try-out...

Today one of the last bits of kit arrived, my new Thermarest NeoAir which is very small and super lite.  So with my first night less than a week away it's time to bivy out in the garden to test it.  Lets hope it's as good as people say and the fox doesn't come sniffing round the garden in the wee hours.

I have a plan...

After 3 weeks of walking training with my fully loaded rucksack I have now finalised my itinerary of where I plan to reach each night if I'm to complete the path in 30 days.  It's going to be tough, especially in the first week as I try and go from walks of 15-18 miles on the relative flat of the Somerset countryside to the 21 miles a day with the ups and downs of the coast path. An interesting statistic I have recently discovered is that the total height climbed has been calculated to be 114,931 ft (35,031 m), almost four times the height of Mount Everest during the 630 miles!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Checking out my new boots...

Just back from Brittany where I checked out my new Salomon Quest 4D GTX (now they sounds fast) with a short 2 hour walk on the coast path.  All good from the boots point of view and I must say that the Brittany coast path sections are as good, but not as well maintained, as those on the SWCP.  Next test will be sleeping out in the garden in my bivvy bag...